Feeling ‘off’ this Christmas? Try this.

Christmas 2020 is different isn’t it? I’ve never experienced anything like it . It doesn’t look the same, feel the same, nothing is as it usually is. For me its strange not to be on the road touring as a family, I miss seeing my parents and sibblings across the border, and I’m eating all my Christmas baking myself because I’m not having anyone over! Even though its different, I don’t want to miss it, you know?

Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you’re alone this Christmas too, or dealing with Covid personally or walking through it with someone you love. Maybe you’re burned out from working on the front lines, or out of work. Money may be tighter than ever, and dreams that felt established last year feel like a distant memory. Maybe you just feel ‘off’. I get, you’re not alone.

So how do we embrace this Christmas for what it is?

I’ve been praying this prayer, my starting place everyday; “God help me to let go of what I think Christmas is supposed to be, and embrace what it is”. Its been my small step away from my expectations into his presence. And then I read my verse of the day, and this one has been a favorite; Matthew 2:10 “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight”. I don’t know about you, but I need some guidance, some light in the dark moments of my life. I need a star of wonder to shift my perspective away from what used to be into what is. The star in my life is that aha moment when I get a glimpse of what He’s up to; the gifts He’s giving me if I’m paying attention - my perspective shift.

Just like last night, when we all stepped outside to see Jupiter and Saturn cross paths from our perspective here on earth… When I can sense God’s presence with me, and get a glimpse of what He’s up to, I can rejoice with great delight. Lets leave space for God to fill this Christmas. Lets let go of our expectations so we don't miss his invitation to receive the gifts He has for you and for me at the end of 2020.


Do you put pressure on yourself to be perfect?